Saturday, March 30, 2013

Robert Louis Stevenson

Midway through the cold-from-hell, I'm reading everything I own by Robert Louis Stevenson, and loving it. Kidnapped is the kind of adventure story that always reads like perfection when you're ill. The Scottish Highlands setting is perfect. The dialect is great. The pacing is wonderful. It makes me want to read all about the Jacobite Uprising. It's interesting that Stevenson was pretty much absent from the canon for most of the first part of the 20th century. His books were given that horrible ghetto status: 'boy's books'. It turns out that the adventure narratives: Treasure Island, The Master of Ballantrae, Kidnapped, David Balfour are well-written and terribly addicting. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and the unfinished Weir of Hermiston may well go down as his most nuanced masterpieces, though honestly I haven't read them yet. It's nice to have them in my pocket. 

Related: The Anomoanon (former band of Will Oldham's brother, Ned) have an album called A Child's Garden of Verses consisting of said poems put to music, which sounds like it could be awesome.

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