Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Announcing: Tiny Utopia Press


Tiny Utopia Press is a (very) small press consisting of 100% homemade, handmade impromptu chapbooks & broadsides of poetry written by myself, my friends & hopefully, in the future, other awesome poets of a similar ilk, as well as works of prose fiction, history, lyric essays, folklore, monographs on art & music, visual works & other genre-twisting stuffs.

Books & broadsides will be collaged, typed, printed, cut-up, glued, stapled, photocopied, etc. on recycled paper, in runs of 15-50 & sold at a very minimal fee.


James Cook
Brad Barnes
Emily Scorse

In the future we hope to expand into a larger press, with bigger runs & slightly more professional design quality, but the lo-fi, DIY, 'zine aesthetic suits us just fine. We are influenced by Futurist artist books, DADA, punk rock, situationist philosophy, psychogeography, the mimeo revolution, worker's presses, samizdat, secret transmissions, William Blake, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Ecstatic Peace, the Beat Generation, lost souls, abandoned buildings, folklore, Emma Goldman &  Buddhist practice.

We intend to create tiny utopias to hold in your hands & share with your friends. We are reactionaries against the trend of e-readers & other tablets, believing that good old fashioned wildly dissonant & anarchic poetry & prose should be homegrown & passed around like contraband.

first titles available:

notations: city, James Cook ($5) - a 2-page chapbook on recycled map paper
first hymn/second hymn/third hymn, James Cook ($5) - a 3-page chapbook on various surfaces

other titles coming soon.

For now, send an email to for billing info.

As soon as possible we will have: pictures
                                                   a link-up to Paypal
                                                   a list of forthcoming titles

Thank you.